Thursday, June 26, 2014

Pain Au Lait (Milk Bread)

French milk bread classified under Viennoiseries in France.
They are small, so dense yet fluffy, soft and slightly sweet rolls.

Pain Au Lait (Milk Bread)

230 g All-purpose Flour
60 g Bread Flour
125 g Whole milk
1 Egg
4 g Instant yeast
38 g Refined Sugar
5 g Salt
63 g unsalted Butter, softened
Granulated Sugar (to sprinkle top)

1 Egg (for egg wash)

In a small bowl, mix-in the milk and yeast together, and set aside.

In a medium bowl, combine the bread flour and sugar, and whisk; Add-in the salt, and whisk again.
Pour-in the milk, and crack-in the egg into the bowl.

Mix everything together; and knead briefly to form a dough.
Then, take the dough out of the bowl and knead again on a clean, floured counter top.

Knead with the heel of your hands to compress and push the dough away from you, then fold it back over itself until the dough is moistened.

Add the soften butter, give the dough a little turn and repeat.
Keep folding over and compressing the dough.

Knead for about 10-15 minutes, or until the dough is pliable, smooth, and does not stick on your hands.

Place the dough in a slightly greased bowl, and cover the bowl with a cheese cloth  or a plastic wrap.
Leave in a warm place to prove for about 30 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 210°C.

When the dough is ready, gently press it down to remove air, and cut the dough into 10 pieces.
Place on a tray, and cover. Let the dough rest for 15 minutes.

With a rolling pin, roll the dough out into a circle, about 8 cm.

Fold the dough and roll into a small batard.

Place the shaped dough on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
Cover the shaped dough; let rise until almost doubled in volume, about 30 minutes.

Before baking, brush the dough with egg wash.

Cut the top of the dough with a scissor, and sprinkle the granulated sugar on top.

Bake for 10-12 minutes, or until golden.

Serve warm and Enjoy!!

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